A little help please.
You’ve got a big job. Leading HR is about so much more than what you have to spend your time doing. Between meetings, filling jobs, and managing benefits you’re already at capacity.
The HR to-do list
It’s too bad because somebody still needs to pay attention to:
- Leadership development
- Internal communication
- Employee engagement
- Training
- Organization planning and design
- Performance management
- Succession planning
- Change management
- Career development
What important tasks are on your to-do list that you can’t get to because the urgent is eating up week after week?
More staff isn’t an option
You could probably use a couple more people right now to do things the way they should be done. The problem is that executive management isn’t ready to let you add headcount.
So don’t add any.
The execs are right. You don’t need more employees. You need a great partner who can tackle these projects for you. Someone who can help you develop the organization’s systems and people.
The help you need

That’s where I come in. I’ve been doing project-based organizational effectiveness work my whole career. I’d like to be your go-to guy when you need help, and I’d like to make it super easy.
Imagine being able to say YES when your boss asks…
- Can you provide some coaching for a new leader or one who is struggling? YES.
- Can you develop and facilitate a leadership development process? SURE THING.
- Can you help our project leaders do a better job of introducing and managing change? ABSOLUTELY.
- Can you help us plan and lead our executive retreat? LOVE TO.
- Can you figure out a way to make meetings more productive throughout the company? CONSIDER IT DONE.
- Can you work with that team that wants to do process improvement? I’M READY TO GO.
- Can you sort out the conflict that is happening in our customer service department? I’LL GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT.
- Can you find out why employees don’t seem engaged and suggest a way forward? I’M ON IT.
- Can you make some recommendations to improve internal communications? NO PROBLEM.
- Can you lead some focus groups to help us understand what employees think about the proposed benefit changes? I CAN.
- Can you teach managers to give better, more frequent feedback? MOST DEFINITELY.
- Can you tackle a bunch of phone interviews? SEND ME THE LIST.
- Can you look at the proposed org changes and offer your reactions? I’LL START TOMORROW.
- Can you help us design a great mentoring program? LET’S GO FOR AMAZING.
These are just some of the ways we can help. If your most pressing need isn’t on the list, let me know. If I can’t do it, I likely know someone who can.
Ready to get stuff done?
Here’s how we make it easy. We meet and figure out how much help you think you’ll need. Based on the conversation, we set up a monthly services agreement for the number of hours you plan to use. Once that’s done you simply pick up the phone or send a note whenever you need some help.
Packages are available starting with as few as 10 hours per month.
You need help. We are ready to provide it.