Organizational Restructuring
Organizational changes equal big disruption
Changing the org chart is easy to do on paper. Implementing it is another story. Think about the implications:
- New bosses
- New coworkers
- New responsibilities
- Title changes
- Pay impacts
It’s no wonder everyone gets a little nervous when whispers of a restructure hit the rumor mill.
5 questions you need to answer
Don’t even think about opening Visio until you can can answer:
- What goal(s) are you hoping to achieve?
- What effect will an organizational change have on your goal?
- Who are the likely winners and losers?
- How might you gain input prior to making this change?
- How can you involve people during implementation?
You’ve got homework to complete

How we help
- Vision and goal development
- Leadership alignment
- Readiness assessment
- Risk identification and mitigation
- Stakeholder analysis and engagement
- Communication planning and implementation
- Training planning and implementation
- Reinforcement and sustainment strategy
Want to talk about your project?
Schedule time on my calendar.