The Work It Out Series: Resolve Differences While Maintaining Relationships

Conflict Management Training

The difference between strong organizations and weak ones isn’t whether they have conflict, but rather how they handle it. Whether you are directly involved in the conflict or helping coworkers sort through their disagreement, you need to be ready with a process and techniques that help maintain positive relationships and lead to a workable solution.

How to Resolve Disagreements with Coworkers

Your job would be so much easier if only everyone saw things your way. Because that isn’t going to happen, you need to know how to work it out.

There are proven techniques to increase your chances of finding an acceptable solution to the conflict. This session focuses on what you should do and say to maintain a productive dialogue that resolves the problem.

How to Get Others to Say Yes

Sometimes there isn’t a lot of room for deciding what the right answer should be. Instead, you have a request, and you need others to do it. The challenge is getting them to say yes, especially when you don’t hold formal authority over the person you are asking.

While you may never achieve perfect compliance, you increase your success ratio by using the principles and practices you will learn in this session.

How to Mediate Interpersonal Conflict

When two or more employees struggle to work through their differences, they need your help. You guide them through a process that is fair, safe, respectful, and useful for finding a solution.

You also need to recognize when to take your mediator hat off and put your manager’s hat on. Ultimately, the conflict must be resolved, and this session will prepare you so you can make sure that it is.

How to Avoid Decision Traps

Think about those times you’ve made a decision, only to wonder, “What was I thinking?” Sometimes our brains seem programmed to lead us to the wrong answers.

Often the cause was a decision trap. This faulty thinking can affect you individually and can be even worse when a group is attempting to decide.

The best way to avoid traps is to know what they are. This session shows you what to look out for and how to make better decisions.

How to Harness the Power of Generational Differences

There are plenty of differences that exist within your team that can lead to problems or opportunities. Generational differences almost always gets a mention on leadership challenge lists.

Instead of focusing on each generation’s perceived deficits, the trick is to blend the unique characteristics each generation contributes. Learn what these are and how to use them to create a stronger, more effective team.