Stress Management

stress management training

Stressed out staff is in all likelihood an unproductive staff. Sure, individuals are ultimately responsible for managing their stress. Perhaps you can give them a little help in this arena.

Take a look around. People are stressed out.

The pressure to do more with less continues to build in organizations of every kind.

Assuming the expectations are reasonable (and let’s face it, sometimes they aren’t), there isn’t much you can do to reduce the demands on your employees. What you can do is help them better deal with the situation at hand.

Those who learn to handle it well, stay productive and healthy. Those who don’t create problems for themselves, their coworkers, customers, and families.

We know this topic inside and out

Over the years we’ve done more than a thousand stress-related workshops. They go by a variety of names: Stress, burnout, resiliency, life balance, relaxation, and others.

In these sessions, the goals are always the same. We want participants to:

  • Take stress as a serious threat to their health and well being. They need a reason to change.
  • Understand concrete strategies to better manage stressors. They need to be practical and easy to implement.
  • Commit to make the necessary changes that will allow the strategies to work. It doesn’t matter if your employees don’t take an action.

Ready to help everyone calm down?

Like all our sessions, we’ll tailor it to fit your unique circumstance. A typical session requires at least an hour, but rarely more than two.

If the freak out factor is high, it’s time to help everyone chill.