change management for leadership development

Leadership Development
That Drives Results

Equip leaders with the tools they need to be effective

Talent development used to be about building a training program, reserving a classroom, and filling the seats. Not anymore. Leadership development should focus on changing business results by helping employees behave differently. It’s all about making an impact. Your toolkit includes:

  • One-on-one coaching/mentoring
  • Cohort programs
  • Experiential learning events
  • Instructor-led webinars
  • Traditional classroom sessions
  • Intranet content (Self developed and curated)
  • E-learning courseware
  • On-demand videos and articles
  • Developmental job assignments
  • Social learning
  • Job aids
teamwork culture

How we help

  • Assess needs
  • Learning and development goal-setting
  • Strategy development
  • Lead planning sessions
  • Project management
  • Content development
  • Content delivery (in-person and virtual)
  • One-on-one and group coaching

Want to talk about your project?

Schedule time on my calendar.

Tom LaForce
Tom LaForce President, LaForce Teamwork, Inc.