The Personal Effectiveness Series: Unleash Your Leadership Potential

organizational assessments

You know those coworkers who seem to have it all together? They are cool and collected and are able to make stuff happen. This series is about helping you become one of them. You are doing work that makes you happy. Stress and bad days don’t throw you off your game. People listen to you. And when you need help, you always know just who to call.

How to Align Your Work and Values

The secret to happiness at work is aligning the tasks you do with your values. It’s a simple concept, but often isn’t well implemented for two reasons. First, you may not have taken the time to clearly identify your values. Second, you may not know which moves will create more alignment.

This session addresses those two reasons and helps you decide what you need to do to increase your job satisfaction.

How to Stay Cool When Stress Is High

There will always be bad moments at work. They keep things interesting, right? And everyone is allowed a bad day now and then. Still, when trouble strikes, people look for someone who appears to have it together.

You should be informed, collected, and ready to take an appropriate action. This session explores ways for you to manage stress so that when faced with tough circumstances, you are that person others want to follow.

How to Bounce Back When Things Don’t Go Your Way

Everyone falls. And if you claim that you don’t, that would be a shame because it means you aren’t trying hard enough. This session is about building personal resiliency.

Learn to fall in a way that doesn’t create permanent damage. Discover how to get back on your feet more quickly when you do go down. Come practice the actions resilient people take to manage the setbacks in their lives.

How to Increase Your Influence

Wouldn’t it be great if people wanted to know what you thought? Imagine others refining their opinions only after hearing yours. That’s influence.

While you may have it by the power associated with your position, it’s better to earn it by the wisdom of what you have to say and how you say it. Learn the secrets that influential people use to get others to listen to them.

How to Give Better Presentations

Leaders communicate. Sometimes that means talking to groups. Every now and then it might even involve a stage and microphone. This session won’t prepare you to become a professional public speaker. But it will help you evaluate yourself against the best practices speakers use to influence their audiences.

You will walk away from this session with an action plan to improve your speaking ability.

How to Build a Strong Professional Network You Can Count On

Having hundreds of LinkedIn connections won’t do you any good unless those people are willing to help you. And if you really want to test the quality of your network, how many people would be willing to call at 3 AM to help you out of a jam?

In this session you will explore how to go about building and maintaining a powerful professional network.